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« An OPEN LETTER TO DR. BOB JONES III BY CHARLES UNDERWOOD | Main | The Northside Story: Dr. Cecil Beach Incorporates His BJU Training »

May 05, 2007


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What a sad person. Move on with your life & let the dead rest. I'm sure they're right with God now. Not that you care. You seem concerned with labelling all of fundamentalism with the same tag.

The Editor responds: "J," yes, I find it sad to think what blind personal loyalty, institutional idolatry, Phariseeism, cronyism, and Gentile-styled dominion-leadership have done to neo-fundamentalism.

May I ask: To whom is your loyalty directed, "J," Christ and His Word or to Hyles and his following? Are you a follower of Paul who followed Christ and rebuked religious hypocrisy or are you simply a worshipper of Hyles, a creature and not the Creator? And, have you publicly followed Paul's example in 2 Corinthians 4:2?

I ask with all kindness and sincerity: What makes you so "sure" your are an expert on the mind of God and what I think? King David was far more important to Christ's Gospel than Jack Hyles. David's infidelity - and its fall-out - are being studied after thousands of years.

Jack Hyles' has many followers who are convinced he was, as one man stated to me, "The greatest man of God since Paul." If neo-fundamentalism sows Hylesianism it will reap Hylesian fruits: consider Dave Hyles and multiply it by the hundreds.

"Labelling" behavior and "labelling" offenders is a biblical exercise. My Bible has many labels and commands to apply those labels appropriately. For example: evil workers, evil beasts, slow bellies, liars, deceivers, self-willed, wolves in sheep's clothing, exercisers of Gentile dominion, lords over God's heritage, hypocrites, Pharisees, workers of iniquity, adulterers, abusers, etc.

Certainly you have met people within neo-fundamentalism - Hylesian and Jonesian - worthy of such labels. The fact is, while there are differences in style between the various factions of neo-fundamentalism, they are - like the Cretians - essentially all the same.

I have been in the movement for 45 years. Attacking those who rebuke internal evil and covering up the sins of fellow neo-fundamentalists are are operational staples within the movement. Correct me if I am wrong but that appears to be the sole thrust of your comment.

Friend, you can ignore the corruption that is infecting fundamentalism but the 'cat is out of the bag.' One of the prime reasons for this Blog is to help those who are trapped under the dominion of neo-fundamentalism to recognize the blind personal loyalty, institutional idolatry, Phariseeism, and ungodly dominion-seeking professional religious manipulators.

The hypocritical refusal of neo-fundamentalists to judge their own is a hot topic, within and without the movement. Check out these to sites:

Thank you for your comments.

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Mike M

Very Interesting. All I can say is that I am glad that when I got saved I wound up aligning with a unaffiliated Baptist church that had nothing to do with Hyles, BJU, Liberty, Pensacola, the Sword of the Lord, Fellowships, Boards, or the rest of the lot. There were just, well, a church. Friend, there are still some out there that have not "bent their knee to Baal".

I would, if you would be willing, like to know the source of the letter.

Mark Christopher

I attended Tabernacle Christian School in Greenville, South Carolina in the 60's. Harold Sightler was the pastor of the Church, Rod Bell was the Principal, and Melvin Aiken was the Assistant Pricipal of the school. Jack Hyles often spoke in chapel and at Bible conferneces then. Jack Hyles was young, nice looking and funny, had a beautiful wife, and I enjoyed his sermons. A welcome relief to the rest of the stodgy old speakers.

For a couple of years in the late 60's, Dr. Hyles did not appear in chapel or at Bible Conferences. There was talk, even back then, of an adulterous relationship that put him out of favor with with Tabernacle. I was personally shaken by this revelation of a man I respected.

Fundamental circles have been critical of the Catholic Church for fostering and hiding the indiscretions of Priests. It is dissapointing to know that we are capable of the same obfuscations.

As the harboring of homosexuality and pedophilia in the Priesthood has severly damaged the reputation of the Catholic Church, so will the ruin of the fundamental movement be if we continue to ignore the sins of the leaders of our church.

If a 13 year old boy in Greenville, South Carolina knew the sexual indescretions of a minister in Hammond Indiana in the late 60's, it is not a "local church matter". Why did it take 20 years for John R. Rice, Harold Sightler, Bob Jones Jr. Rod Bell, Walt Hanford, Oliver B. Green, Jack Van Impe and many others, to bring this man to account. Surely they knew more than this 13 year old boy.

Fundamental Pasters would do well to temper their exhaustive examination and battle over the version of the Bible they are teaching from, and use any version of the Bible to examine the pasters who are preaching. Bible translations, ancient and modern decry; Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Mark Christopher
Greenville, South Carolina

Mark Christopher

I attended Tabernacle Christian School in Greenville, South Carolina in the 60's. Harold Sightler was the pastor of the Church, Rod Bell was the Principal, and Melvin Aiken was the Assistant Pricipal of the school. Jack Hyles often spoke in chapel and at Bible conferneces then. Jack Hyles was young, nice looking and funny, had a beautiful wife, and I enjoyed his sermons. A welcome relief to the rest of the stodgy old speakers.

For a couple of years in the late 60's, Dr. Hyles did not appear in chapel or at Bible Conferences. There was talk, even back then, of an adulterous relationship that put him out of favor with with Tabernacle. I was personally shaken by this revelation of a man I respected.

Fundamental circles have been critical of the Catholic Church for fostering and hiding the indiscretions of Priests. It is dissapointing to know that we are capable of the same obfuscations.

As the harboring of homosexuality and pedophilia in the Priesthood has severly damaged the reputation of the Catholic Church, so will the ruin of the fundamental movement be if we continue to ignore the sins of the leaders of our church.

If a 13 year old boy in Greenville, South Carolina knew the sexual indescretions of a minister in Hammond Indiana in the late 60's, it is not a "local church matter". Why did it take 20 years for John R. Rice, Harold Sightler, Bob Jones Jr. Rod Bell, Walt Hanford, Oliver B. Green, Jack Van Impe and many others, to bring this man to account. Surely they knew more than this 13 year old boy.

Fundamental Pasters would do well to temper their exhaustive examination and battle over the version of the Bible they are teaching from, and use any version of the Bible to examine the pasters who are preaching. Bible translations, ancient and modern decry; Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Mark Christopher
Greenville, South Carolina


Funny how fundamentalists regard the unproved indiscretions of a dead pastor, while the rest of the world goes to hell. Our priorities are about so far out of wack, if I were God, I'd just stomp every christian out like an ant hill....frustrating that the souls of men continue to pour into hell, and we sit back and gossip and ruin each other. God help us.

Editor responds: Thank you for your comments, "Don". Or, do you prefer the moniker "doctor evil" from your address?

Your choice of the word "indiscretions" is a bit tepid for my taste. Hyles and Hutson were "wolves in sheep's clothing" who profited handsomely shearing the sheep.

The "unproved indiscretions," of Jack Hyles are well-documented. Curtis Hutson's defense of Jack Hyles - and his excoriation of those who asked Hyles to block off the hidden door between Hyles and Judy Nischik's offices - speaks volumes about the importance Hyles had in Hutson's publishing/religious enterprises.

Hyles disqualified himself as a preacher of the Gospel by his conduct with another man's wife and by the way he ran FBC. Hutson's connivance regarding these issues speaks volumes about Hutson. Were FBC not run like the cult Hyles created it to be, the biblical church disciplinary process would have resolved this controversy and we would not be having this exchange.

A preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is held to the standard of blamelessness. Vines says, "It implies not merely acquittal, but the absence of even a charge or accusation against a person. This is to be the case with elders." It is not mere judicial innocence required of a Gospel minister, it is much more.

Jack Hyles was elevated to a place in the hearts and minds of his people where he was free from earthly accountability. He has subverted the faith of two or three generations of people (wheat and tares) within the church. People like Hutson and the deacons and members of FBC are largely to blame. Hutson, however, used the Sword of the Lord to promote and defend Hyles and attack those who held Hyles to account.

Hutson, thus, became a partaker in Hyles' evil deeds. To exempt both individuals - even after their deaths - from the biblical qualifications and standards of conduct required of Gospel preachers would be to compound the mischief they created during their lives.

Many people accused Hyles of sin in accordance with 2 Tim. 5: 19. Unfortunately, these instances were suppressed by deacons, Hyles' preacher cronies, and fundamentalist religious profiteers like Hutson who rode on Hyles coattails. As a consequence, a generation of preachers has arisen that does not "also...fear" exposure of sin and public rebuke.

As Christ said, The children of this world are wiser than the children of light, because they see that fundamentalists are hypocritical Pharisees when it comes to addressing leadership sin within the camp.

As I made clear, I was not able to authenticate the letter ascribed to Hutson. However, the letter was consistent with the public position Hutson held regarding Hyles and the letter was consistent with what I have observed regarding the way fundamentalists operate. Both Hutson and Hyles were alive when the letter was being circulated. If you have anything from either of them repudiating the letter, I will be happy to post it.

I'm glad you aren't God, "doctor evil".

It seems to me that if simple-minded, men-worshiping Christians fill their pulpits with men who lack moral purity and biblical ethics, that Christianity will not be very effective in reaching the needy, lost world for which you express such concern.

In fact, to not expose "wolves in sheep's clothing" within fundamentalism's leadership pool seems the surest ways to undermine the saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The earthly church was designed to be self-correcting: "Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear." That isn't the way it worked in Hyles' FBC or within his sect of fundamentalism, is it? They acted like members of a cult.

Take a look at the men who Hyles trained and who idolized him and who are filling the pulpits in your sect. Are they reaching the world for Christ or are they simply emulating Hyles 12-step method for building a church with above-average cash flow?

"Beware of evil workers..." And, I have found no better way to become aware of how to identify evil workers than to detail their methodology.

Write me in 10 or 15 years when the leaven Hyles and Hutson have injected into your sect of fundamentalism leavens the whole lump.


I dont disagree with you Mark, not at all. I think it's even worse though, when we spend all this time on subjects like this, and give the world every reason to despise us, and think we're "evil". (The Dr Evil is really a metaphor....blame my wife for it.....she labeled it to me for my irritating romance with debate...she thinks I bring out the evil in others...anyway....)

I certainly am not making a case 'for' or 'against' either man. But, to say there WERE indescretions and not have ANY just not right. I never saw a "hidden" door at FBC, and I certainly didn't worship the man. I do believe he loved Christ, and I believe he has done more good for the cause of Christ than I could imagine. Whether it be by influence, or whatever.

Fundamentalism is about dead. Any way you look at it. God will breathe on something, someone, and somewhere in his time and raise up the next generation of christians. Hopefully they won't be ones that sit back and shoot at each other at every chance they get, and they'll actually be soulwinners at some point.

I'm NOT one of those guys that got somebody to just "say a few words" either. I got most of my training through reading good books, and following good men. I never attended a christian school, and in fact, getting my MBA from a state university was probably the best move I ever made. It has given me better opportunities to give God a good name.....not drag it through the mud like so many people in so-called "fundamental circles" are doing now. They preach alot of things about the love of country, God, and morality, but when it comes down to it, they don't vote, don't soul win, and could care less about their own families.



William Hearn

Does anyone know where Curtis Hutson received his education? Was his doctorate from an accredited college? Please advise me at [email protected]

Terry Jackson

Just a reminder there is a judgment day when all our works will be tested to see what sort they are. Hyles and Hutson will be judged and so will the rest of us. "Take Heed Lest ye fall...."
I do agree that Hyles needed more than church discipline because he preached all across the country.

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